Bridal Gown Restoration – Wedding Dress Restoration

Garment Restoration

What Is Gown Restoration?
How is Gown Restoration done?

A gown restoration or restoration of an old garment involves treating the garment to remove yellowness or brownish coloration of the garment. The yellowing of a gown is basically an oxidation process, which occurs over the years when the garment is not stored in a safe manner and proper container. The wedding dress restoration process involves removing stubborn stains, like food, grease, grass, lipstick, etc., as well. The gown or the garment is then treated to safely remove the discoloration. It is a chemical process which removes the yellowness and brown patches.  During the process a careful eye is kept on the garment and the chemical process.  Once the process is complete, the gown condition is checked, and if additional treatment is necessary, it is re-processed again to remove more yellowness and brown stains.

The gown or the garment is then dried and re-spotted to remove any remaining stains. We then press, form-finish and restore to the original shape and fullness of the gown. Bridal Gown Preservation have an excellent success rate of removing yellow stains and other discolorations. Click here to see some gown pictures


All Wedding Gowns are processed In-House by us.

All Wedding Gowns are processed In-House by us.


Remember, your bridal gown has adorned you on a very special day and it has a very special significance. If it is handled improperly by somebody to save $50 – $100 and damaged in the process, you have saved nothing — you have LOST YOUR GOWN.  Is saving a few dollars worth losing your valuable gown?

We have restored Wedding Gowns as old as 150 years!

We have restored many Wedding Gowns,
Christening Gowns, Blankets, Uniforms,
Flags, Teddy Bears, Stuffed Animals etc.